Cooking Grass Fed Beef

A little extra care in the kitchen will ensure that you enjoy every bit of the rich flavor and natural goodness of high quality grass fed beef. Be sure to follow these tips to ensure the best results.

  1. Your biggest culprit for tough beef is overcooking. This grass fed beef is made for rare to medium cooking. If you like well done beef, cook your grass fed beef at a very low temperature in a sauce to add moisture.

  2. Grass fed Beef cooks as much as 30% faster and at a lower temperature than grain fed beef. There is less fat on Grass Fed Beef and it melts at a lower temperature than grain fed beef. Fat breaks down at 190 degrees Fahrenheit.

  3. Be sure to keep a close eye on your steaks the first few times you cook them. Even the tenderest cut of meat can become overcooked if not watched properly. Do not use a fork to turn your beef as precious juices can be lost. Use tongs, and remember to pre heat your grill before cooking.


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